Monday, April 09, 2007

The 432

Sitting at home this afternoon, icing my wounded leg, I was wondering what is my buddy Andy is doing. I knew he was in Vancouver, (and probably bored of Easter stuff) so I sent him and email asking of his doings. Turns out he was out at his old stomping grounds, UBC, trying to come up with the next issue of The Science Undergrad Society's newspaper called The 432. Although he doesn't go to school there anymore, and hasn't been the editor for some time, the current editor is busy with exams and needed a bit of help getting the issue out.

So, after a phone call where I was bribed with food, I packed up the laptop and have headed out to give him a hand, as well as get some visiting time in.

I show up at the university and another SUS alumni is there as well, my buddy Jay. So, after watching a few video clips on Jays iBook, and me showing off pictures of my new niece we got down to a little bit of writing and layout work. So far, between difficult layout software and lack of anyone elses input, the latest issue is taking it's time.

Eventually hunger pangs took over, and we ran off to Elwoods for some beer and burgers and a little UFC on the TV, chatted a bit, reminisced a bit then finally decided to get back to UBC to get some more done. Looking over Andy's shoulder, I see that one of the little features will include "Mothra Stewart", and bit of Photoshop of Martha Stewart's head attached to a giant moth body. The 432 is not your regular paper.

In the past, there have been some interesting issues, with photos of John on the front cover naked playing poker with some of the girls, and other nifty articles.

This issue looks to be about the same. Click on the title of this entry to take yourseelf to the UBC libraries archives of the back issues and enjoy the humour of it all.

It is now 1:30AM, and I need to be up at 6AM to go to my first day back at work on light duties. I knew that the trip into UBC would end this way, but I went willingly. I hope that I don't fall asleep at work, that would be emberassing!


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