Vancouver Sunset #13

Vancouver sunset #13
Originally uploaded by travelcedric.
Got a phone call yesterday from my friend Al.
"Whatcha doing today?"
"Not much"
"I was thinking of hiking out to Dog Mountain to take some photos of the sunset over Vancouver tonight."
"I'm in!"
Dog Mountain is attached to Mount Seymour, and is about a half hour snowshoe in from the ski area. It should be called Dog Point, because it really isn't much of a mountain. But the view is spectacular!
We got there just about the time that the sun was dipping below the horizon (partially traffic's fault, partially my fault, I am out of shape!) but what an amazing sight awaited for us. Fog rolling in from the Georgia Straight, gold rays of sunshine, pinks and purples dancing around the mountain peaks; it was breathtaking. We quickly got to shooting some freehand shots before it got too dark, then I dragged out the tripod to start shooting long exposure. Al forgot to grab his tripod, so we took turns shooting with mine. I fired off 107 shots all together, and have posted the best on my Flickr page.
The hike out was a bit more relaxing, less of a death march since we weren't in a rush. We stopped and enjoyed the stars and just being up in the mountains with the snow and the trees and the serenity of it all. Then off to the Raven to celebrate a good evening of photos with a pint of Sorrento Stout and a Raven Burger.
What a perfect evening!
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