Thursday, May 18, 2006

The echo of a distant time

Well, I finished work in the hanger today, and won't be back until October. Well, I need to go in to get some work details figured out, but I won't be working in the hanger for five months.

I start at YVR on Saturday, playing line worker. I am little excited, a little nervous, after all, I have never had the opportunity to work at such a large airport. The funny part is, the guy that will be showing me the ropes out there is a guy that I showed the ropes to when he started in aviation! Proof once again, that life is a big circle.

I still have a lot of things to do before heading to France, I still haven't confirmed departure dates, wages, shifts, where I will be staying, etc.

And I still need to learn some French. But really, is knowing French really that important in France??


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