Good things come in threes...

Vancouver sunset #11 (Wayne's Weather Window Winner)
Originally uploaded by travelcedric.
Oh boy, did I have a good day.
First, Bert wakes me up to go for lunch, well breakie for me. It was a nice visit, I don't get to see him quite as often as I would like, since we both have busy schedules and crazy busy jobs at times. We chatted for an hour or so, then off we went, but it was nice.
Then, before I ran off to work, I emailed the above photo off to Global TV's weatherman, Wayne Cox as a submission to his "Weather Window" photo contest. It was the idea of one of the guys at work, and I figured what could it hurt? Well, my grandfather was watching the news, and he was kind of surprised to see my name on the TV with this photo of Vancouver. So, he called my Mom, and let her know, and in turn she called me (I was at work) and left me a voice mail telling me that Grandpa had seen my name on the news. I was a little surprised, but wasn't a 100% sure that it was what I thought it was yet. Sure enough, I get home and there is an email from Wayne telling me that "the astute panel of judges" had decided that my photo was the Weather Window's photo of the week! I am still a little in shock from it, but think it is really cool too. I am getting a "Global Gift Pack" (whatever that is) and hopefully when I get another good picture like this one I will post it again and see how I do.
Finally, the third cool thing that happened was getting called into the manpower office at work.
I have applied for a senior engineer position at work, and it looks like I have got it. I don't have the official word yet, but Trina says that she is sure that I have it (which translates into a congratulations), and since she is the one that does the scheduling when you have a new position...ya, I got the job. =)
This means that I will be doing more or less what I have been doing for the past few years, but now I get paid better (more in line with what I do) and will get a bit more responsiblity out of it. The sad part is that after working with my buddy Shawn for over 5 years, I will now be moving onto another crew. Kind of a happy sorrow. At least I will be on the same shift as my old crew, just on a different plane, and working on a different area of the plane. I mostly work on the fuselage and engines, but now I get to do most of my work on wings and landing gear.
A new challenge awaits!