Tuesday, January 04, 2005

It's good to be King

I was out with some friends tonight for movie night tonight, when I was surprised to learn that one of my friends actually reads this stuff! (thanks Doug, you rock!) I though that I was the only one that read this stuff. Secondly, I was asked, "Why did you name your Blog after a Great Big Sea song?"

Well, I didn't. I actually didn't even know that there was a song by Great Big Sea called When I Am King until tonight. I had thought of this name a couple of years ago, when it was harder to host your own site, and Blogs weren't even around. (The funny thing is, I have wanted something like a Blog for many years, even discussing this fact with friends in the past. Glad that I have one now!)

So, while driving the long road home, I thought about this question that Doug posed to me, and how I might go about explaining the answer better. Here's what I came up with.

Have you ever wished that you had the power to change the rules? Not so much as to change them so that you are super wealthy, have a super model for a mate, and drive the most incredible sports car, but changing them so that the world would be just a slightly better place.

For instance, you are driving along, and the guy in the $100,000 Porsche cuts you off without using a turn signal and while yakking on the cell phone. You think to yourself, "What a jerk! If I were King, you would get zapped when you didn't use your turn signals! And cars would have built in antenna's to interfere with cell phones!" Or maybe you here of some child, dieing from some terrible disease, you think, "If I were King, parents would never have to bury their children." Maybe even "When I am King, there will be no more tourists driving oversized RV's on the highway!"

This is where the name comes from. Wishing I could do more to make this planet that we live on just that much better. If posting some little comment, or directing you to a nifty website, or maybe getting you to think a bit about something you read, or even if only to have you smile for a minute or two, then maybe my wish will come true.

Mel Brooks said, "It's good to be King." And I am sure it is.


Blogger Watch 'n Wait said...

Would that all Kings were nice guys. World would be happier, healthier, and war-free...and perhaps even our Congress would cease fire.

8:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hail to the King, baby.

11:35 am  

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