Saturday, January 08, 2005

Wasting away

It's cold and miserable outside, winter doing it's thing, and I have no where to go. So, what do I do? I turn to my friend, the computer for entertainment. I go to my favorite site, to see what is happening in the world. But, as is with most Saturday's, it's a little slow. I try a few other places, but in the end I broke down.

I am now a TotalFarker.

For $5 a month, you too can get deluged with crap. Fark puts about 35 links a day on the main page, but people submit a lot more than that in one day. That's where TotalFark comes in. This is the mashalling area for Fark. This is also where other TotalFarkers get together and ask advice, share info, and just hang out. This is also where you can find about 100 articles about Brad and Jennifer. (Thank goodness, only one of those made it to the main page!)

So, now I have another way to waste my life away when the weather is nasty, and no one calls to go out and play.


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