Monday, May 22, 2006

A face outside the window pane

Well, I survived the first two days of line work at YVR, and actually quite like it. 12 hour days are long, but it goes fast. I think that if I were to work there full time I would move back out this way, maybe to South Vancouver, or Ladner. This staying with the family thing is tough to do. I am used to being alone, and having people around all the time is a bit of an adjustment. But I am enjoying the fact that I actually get to see them. I actually was able to take my kid brother out for breakie today!

So, today will be my first 12 hour grave yard shift. There is a bit more to do on an overnight stay for the planes, but a bit more time to do it in. The tough part will be staying awake! And then sleeping during the least there will be no one home for most of the day.

The plane in the photo is aircraft 800, the newest of Harmony's fleet. It was loading when I took this photo, we had just towed it over to the gate, we had finished the walk through, and were waiting to see it go. We tend to hang around till we see it taxi away to make sure there are no problems on departure. The day consists of long periods of waiting, interspersed with short periods of mass insanity. And that is what line maintenance is all about!


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