Friday, November 10, 2006

A crater in the Sun

Two days done, and I have had enough.

The first two days back at work haven't been all that great. I managed two minutes of enjoyment before I found the new dent in my tool box, and the damaged wheels from trying to move it with the brakes on. (I had those wheels replaced just before I left last spring for the same reason) Too many new people who don't care about other peoples personal property there now.

My biggest let down is the drop in brain usage. In France, I was making important decisions, running aircraft, signing log books, taking on a lot of responsibility. Here, I feel like I am in kindergarden, being told what to do, not allowed to make decisions anymore, have to get approval from everybody, then you still get it wrong. And I am also babysitting apprentices again, which I don't mind a bit, but some of these new ones seem that they have no idea what a day of work is and you need to hold their hands all the time.

I also found out that I won't be going to France at Christmas, seems that they took to long to get things organized, and so getting a visa in time is out of the question. I still have a chance to go next year, but I probably won't find out till just before I go, which will really screw me around again. Nothing new there.

I am going to see about getting out to YVR again, there were supposedly two guys quit out there, and the boss at YVR wants me back. That would be a good job to have, and then I could move a bit closer to the city again.

And my new shoes hurt, the $40 insoles that were supposed to be the best out there SUCK!! They have these stupid hard plastic ridges around the heal that dig in and leave very tender feet. The shoes aren't really that bad with better insoles, but I am not happy that I wasted $40 for these things.


Blogger Butterbella said...

Blah blah blah..Complaints complaints complaints :) Just bugging. I your not happy right now...Sorry to hear. Hope u get the job at YVR..and even thou this will allow u to move closer to the city, and leave Bonnie behind..I know u would be happier:)

12:26 pm  

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