Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jet setting again

It's kind of official now. Back to France.

I was in the lunch room at work when our HR director saw me and told me that he wanted to talk with me later about France. He said I was going, just needed to talk about a time frame.

So, after three tries to see him (he talks more than I do, and had a lot of visitors today), we sat down and chatted a bit about what was going on. Looks like my bosses have decided that they can live without me for a year or so, and have given Adam (the boss in France) permission to ask to have me work for him. There are still a bunch of details to work out, like when I am going, pay, per diem, etc. but the ball is rolling and it looks like it will be around mid November that I will be going, maybe as late as December. This will give me time to find a place for my junk (paying $7500 just to store my junk in an apartment for a year is a bit much), get my motorcycle license, cleam off my desk, find a home for my plant, sell or store my car and get a work visa for France.

I have the end of October/begining of November off work on holidays, and was hoping to go some place warm but I think it might end up being a time to pack and get the last of my things done.

So, if you have a place that I can store my car, or my plant please let me know. =)


Blogger Unknown said...

I feel like I'm behind on the news... good thing I surf by on occassion.

That sounds like great news... I know you had a lot of fun there last time... So you will be going for a whole year this time?

1:00 pm  

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