Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Parlez vous anglais?

Ugh, jet lag.

At least I am here, nine hours to Frankfurt, including a two hour delay there, then an hour and a half flight to Marseille. I stepped of the plane in Marseille into a Turkish steam bath, the humidity was incredible! At least it has cooled off some now.

I probably won’t be starting actual work on the aircraft for a couple of days, I need to get my airside pass, do a bit of an orientation of the airport, etc. It also looks like I will be busy, we are scheduled for 4 on, 4off, but there will be times when we get called in to help if something goes wrong, or we are doing a “roll conversion”, changing the aircraft from a tanker to a passenger aircraft for example.

Other than the odd bit of overtime, Adam the boss wants us to have lots of free time, (hence the shift) to get around and se France. He was telling me that you can be in Paris in three hours on the TGV, so I will have to try that one weekend!

Anyway, enough for now, I need to go and meet the guys and grab some breakie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not the mechanic, but don't you mean 'role conversion' ? --dave

5:00 pm  

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