Day out

The Church at Saint Cannat
Originally uploaded by travelcedric.
Had a day off and a vehicle, so I thought that I would something that I really haven't been able to do over here much. I went for a drive.
I headed out around the estuary, Etang de Berre, which is right beside the Marseilles/Provence airport. I was actually looking for flamingos, since I have been told that they tend to like the shallows around the estuary, but as I expected, they aren't around this time of year.
Even so, it was a nice day for a drive, and although I have a bit of jet lag still, and a bit of a cold, I still enjoyed myself and took a few photos.
I ended up heading inland a bit, almost to Salon, but I was getting hungry so I headed back to Aix via some of the "D" roads. While driving down one of them, I came across a castle, with a zoo next door. There wasn't any good place to get a photo of the castle, so maybe next week I will take a run over there if I can get a car.
I did find a nice little medieval town called Saint Cannat, with a very pictures perfect church in the middle of it. I have been through the town before, but it is usually when it is late and we wanted to get home. This will be another place to stop and visit one day.
So, now I am killing a bit of time before I make another run to the airport to pick up Martin, one of our maintenance guys who is coming back from his home in Denmark. This will be my third trip there this weekend, twice to drop off or pick up guys, and once to work. I hope not to make this a habit!
Monday we start our engine change; this should take us a couple of days. I am working afternoons, and might be alone in the evening. That is okay though, since I tend to like working alone at night. I will just bring the iPod and enjoy myself.
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